Wedding in Georgia

Why is wedding in Georgia popular among Israeli couples? Georgia is renowned for its hospitality and stunning scenery, making it an ideal wedding destination. However, the main reason is the opportunity to register a marriage through a civil procedure. This is especially attractive for secular and mixed couples, as well as for partners with different nationalities. The main point of a wedding in Georgia is obtaining a marriage certificate with an apostille for marriage recognition in Israel and other countries.
Marriage in the shortest possible time in the unique atmosphere of Georgia! Affordable and convenient, just three days, and the treasured marriage certificate is in your hands! Without a doubt, make a choice in favor of Georgia and get an unforgettable experience.
Our team of specialists has been organizing weddings abroad for many years, and hundreds of happy couples are already grateful to us. And this time we will take care of the entire documentary part of the procedure so that you can spend your big day without worries.
Contact us today to start planning your special day!

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